《神之山岭》:史诗级巨兽对决 - 58影院


来源:baidu.com人气:661更新:2024-09-19 20:04:00

     「本片的拍摄采用了一种拉斯冯提尔自己发明的技术,称作“自动影像捕捉(Automavison)”.     摄影机首先被摆放在指定的机位,朝向演员,由电脑生成随机的调整参数:平移-倾斜-变焦-停止,然后开始拍摄,并对每个分镜重新生成参数.     」——来自结尾字幕注释.     这也能解释为什么影片每个镜头都呈现出那样的构图了.     大体剧情就是简介上那样,但很多地方又看得有点懵,似懂非懂间我居然被戳中笑点好几次.     反喜剧的喜剧片,拉斯的画外音又强调着喜剧的套路.     不过光是拉斯拍喜剧这件事就很有趣了.     One of my fav movie soundtracks of all time! The film is loosely plotted but it is less about the plot and more about the wasted and confused youth, the innocent and blissed 50s, and the documentation of car culture, youth culture and rock-n-roll before the Vietnam War, the assassination of JFK and all the social, cultural movements. I can see some coming-of-age genre conventions which are used in many later films, The Breakfast Club and the other John Hughes's films. P.S. Steve almost threatens his girlfriend to have sex with him even he wants a break-up. Asshole.《神之山岭》是帕特里克·英伯特执导,Lazare Herson-Macarel、Eric Herson-Macarel、Damien Boisseau等配音的动画电影,该片于2021年7月10日在戛纳电影节上映,2021年11月30日在美国上映.

